Within the District, Fieldbrook residents utilize septic systems and Glendale residents utilize a wastewater collection system.
Wastewater System Description
Wastewater disposal in the Fieldbrook area is accommodated by individual septic tank and leachfield systems. This seems to meet the needs of the Fieldbrook area at this time. However, in general the soils there have poor leaching characteristics and most of these systems were constructed many years ago and may not meet current regulations. Currently, these individual sewage disposal systems are regulated by the County Environmental Health Department. The District has approximately 177 wastewater connections in the Glendale area. The wastewater collection and conveyance system is owned and operated by the District, who contracts with the City of Arcata for treatment and disposal. The District’s collection system was installed in 1990 and includes two pump stations. Wastewater is pumped through a force main to a connection point with the City of Arcata’s collection system near Giuntoli Lane. Wastewater is then treated and disposed of by the City of Arcata. Wastewater flows in 2014 range between 31,600 gpd during dry weather and 62,400 gpd during wet weather. The District’s existing contract with the City of Arcata allows for up to 71,200 gpd average dry weather flow, and therefore the system has capacity for approximately 80 to100 more connections. Alternative treatment and disposal solutions, or an increased treatment allotment from the City of Arcata, would be needed to accommodate any development in excess of 80 to 100 additional connections.
Wastewater System Condition Assessment
No deficiencies exist with the District’s existing wastewater collection and conveyance system. The District has two pump stations, and one mobile generator that is currently transferred between the two stations during power outages. Over the long term it would be beneficial to install a generator at the smaller of the two pump stations. The availability of wastewater connections within the District’s is limited by their contract with the City of Arcata. The City has indicated it is not interested in increasing the number of connections contractually agreed upon, and has recommended the District consider other alternatives. The District has approached the City of Blue Lake about wastewater collection and treatment, and will also participate in other studies to evaluate alternatives and costs for potential interconnection. The District will need to acquire additional 11 capacity to treat wastewater in order to accommodate the growth projected for the area.